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December 29, 2004


thomas woelfer


so, you're still kicking. great. :-)

thomas woelfer

Scott C. Reynolds

ROFL! (especially @Java)

Well Phil I don't give a shit if you got perspective or not (although the steamy hot wife sex helps I'm sure), I'm just happy to see another world class rant. Glad to wait another couple months for the next one if need be.


thanks guys...


You just keep getting better and better.


" * i know you have some pretty fucking bright people working for you, so why, oh dear god why is the technical content on msdn written to cater for the romper room set? do you really think we have the iq of barney?? you realize it's professional developers that are reading that shit right? jesus fucking christ...believe it or not this shit is fucking important. actually tell you what...why don't you focus on moronic, dipshit diarrhea like "the code room pilot", while a fucking search engine becomes the ultimate resource for all things microsoft.

man, the list just goes on...and on...and on. as soon as you get a whiff of some moronic, half-baked programming fad, you shouldn't feel need jump right on the fucking bandwagon and go fucking apeshit. trust me, visual studio doesn't need any new wizards or designers. microsoft, i love ya like a brother, but you just need to chill the fuck out and start refocusing..." - Caustic Phil

Dude those are some words to live by!!!! When 90% of the world is running Windows 2000, 98se and devloping in VS6 or Borland the last thing we need is another class Wizard for VS2005.

Every time I think about sh!t like this I wish they would put people like Raymond Chen in charge of the direction and focus of Microsoft. People who are truly commited to making sh!t work right and not the next shiny object until the current objects work like they should. Innovators not salesmen and marketing dorks.

You put sales people in charge of Microsoft and you get exactly what you have now giant blocks of technology and shiny objects that most of the world could give a flying f#ck about.

Developer evangelists they call them. WTF PEOPLE!!! Have you gone mad!!!! The last thing I want is some 25 year year old script kiddy trying to tell me that 48 ancronyms ( that have meanings so vauge nobody can agree on what they mean ) are the wave of the future and we'd better learn them now or perish.

I just want to scream at them shut the f#ck up evange-what-the-f#ck-ever it's great you can drag and drop controls and copy code off the internet but I want substance and this new cr@p just doesn't cut the mustard.

Go home pull a Steve Jobs and come back with better technology then I will listen to you. Do not give me eye candy and try and put animations in my dev environment and tell me it's an upgrade to nirvana. It's not it's worthless.

If I can write my code in Ultraedit and compile with a command line tool and still churn out apps that don't break and compensate for your sh!tty bugs then you have not given me a reason to upgrade. Give me a reason that I can see and say I cannot live without and I will upgrade.

And the fact that Google is a better search engine for the actual stuff that matters on your knowlege base is just flat f#cking sad.

Frans Bouma

LOL :) Great great article! :) I fully agree, a lot of 'elements' in the IT-world as a whole need a reset of their perspective and re-focus.

Especially Microsoft. Every time I have to contact them, it seems as if there work just 5 people, because they're always under-staffed.


Got to admit writing a blog is cheaper then going to a Shrink, now don’t you feel better after that cathartic ramble down the digital road?


BRAVO! I am new fan now. :)


Thanks for that Phil, I was having a crappy day until I started up SharpReader and read this post! :)

Matt Selnekovic

Interesting post (and I do agree with many of the points), but aren't you guilty of the old saying "pot calling the kettle black"? You rail against blogs... with a blog post. Why is your blog any better than anybody else's? I think you are just as guilty as any other blogger of pseudointellectualism; I mean, you drop tons of swearing just to make your point seem louder. Overall, several good points.


Do you have a fucking problem with capitalizing the beginning of a sentence?

dog news

ha ha hah ... I never laughed so hard at:
"ok...the next time your spewing your next diary entry, please remember...it's just not that important. there's a reason why the words diary and diarrhea are very similar sounding..."

Sounds like we need to buy ourselves some diapers from:
Flat-D (solves flatulence with charcoal diapers)

so glad you 'wanked' around with your blog!


Hey CT -
Give up and let your gorgeous wife do the blogging. You may get a larger audience of readers and may be something more..


lighten the fuck up.


You're A-List now, fucker.

Jason Beaudreau

I don't agree with everything you said, but I appreciate the direct way you say it. Keep the venom flowin' brother!

Phil, go get laid... for the first time, perhaps.


I know your wife... man she is one hot piece of ass.


How come you think people are wanking off reading your blog? Sudden increase in self-confidence since you started "blogging"?

Joe Stagner


You said....

"The last thing I want is some 25 year year old script kiddy trying to tell me that 48 ancronyms ( that have meanings so vauge nobody can agree on what they mean ) are the wave of the future and we'd better learn them now or perish."

I'm a "Developer Evangelist" at Microsoft (though I'm not fond of the title).

I'm 44years old - got my first PAID computing gig 30 years ago (yup 14 years old) and have done everything from raw machine instruction programming to fluffy VB multi-media programming, distributed architecture design, project management, performance & security consulting, blah blah blah.

After building, running, and selling a successful technology company in Mid-town New York - I came to Microsoft to have some fun.

..... Just wanted you to know that every "Evangelist" at Microsoft is not under 30 and "light" on real world industry experience.

Keep having fun !


you're funny.

and your "online journal" kicks ass. nice!



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